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Der Blog, der Technologie erlebbar macht.

The NetAcad Team

Cisco Networking Academy #netacad at Wingsforlifeworldrun #worldrun


The NetAcad Team invited to come behind the scenes at Worldrun arrived in the Global Race Control Center in the middle of Austria and right away immersed into speaking with tech experts to understand how such an event can develop from an idea into reality. Here are our team members and a very brief introduction (on the photo from left to right).

Ivica Vugrinec
is an alumni University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics and now studying for his CCNP at the Cisco Networking Academy NetAkademija. He is also the National NetRiders Winner 2013 of Croatia.

Kevin Van Ryckegem
is from Brussels, studied Networking Technology and Programing at University College of Brussels (HUB) and is doing his internship at the University of Applied Science in Salzburg.

Nathan Boone
is also from Brussels and from the same University. Kevin and Nathan became good friends in Salzburg. Both of them are interested in working with people from different countries due to the difference of point of view in working on one task.

Felix Hartung
is from Vienna, graduated from a Higher Technical School HTL Rennweg in Vienna two years ago that is part of the Networking Academy Program. He competed for Austria in the WorldSkills 2014 in Leipzig last year and is passionate about Networking and Technology as such. His international experience inspired him to want to be part of the NetAcad Team at Wings For Life World Run.

Maximilian Lehrbaum
is the youngest in the team and attending the Networking Academy in HTL Ungargasse in Vienna. Due to his family situation he was able to already live in Austria, Germany, US and India which made him see things a bit different than others.

Here is a video introduction of our team.


This short time of the team being together at this event, it is already clear to me that all of them are self motivated young people, highly interested in what they do, doing it because they like to do it and not because it is their work.

In a time when geographical flexibility is becoming more and more important in the IT industry and many companies work across different countries, the experience we now have at the Wings for Life World Run, communicating with 33 countries in 34 locations to get all of the locations act on the same point in time, is just THE best preparation for work environments becoming more global every day.

You will hear more from and about everyone of them during the next 24 – 36 hours.
Stay Tuned !


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