#benetacad @CiscoNetAcad @ReDISchool #AlleHelfenJetzt
The ReDI – SCHOOL OF DIGITAL INTEGRATION offers basic and advanced coding classes for refugees. With their TechTalk series they offer companies the opportunity to present their technologies and job requirements.
#5 TechTalk // Cisco Technologies
“The changing landscape of a digitized world”
Monique Morrow, CTO-Evangelist – New Frontiers for Development-Engineering, Cisco
“Building a new architecture for the Internet of Things world”
Claus Schaale, Cloud leader, Cisco Datacenter EMEAR
“Market landscape – Datacenter opportunities in Europe”
Patrick Schmidt, Managing Director Sales, Cisco EMEAR Data Center & Virtualization
“Cisco, Cloud, the Universe and everything else”
Vallard Benincosa, Software Solutions Architect and Bryan Osoro, Director Systems Engineering, Cisco
Take aways
- Big picture of ICT industry and how the market is evolving
- ICT players in the industry and the new opportunities arising
- What are the technologies and coding languages to focus on
- Where to look for opportunities
After the session there is an opportunity to discuss further on a personal level.
A fascinating evening …
The syrian film maker Firas al-Shater lives in Berlin since two and a half years. He believes that integration will work.
Why? He dared an experiment …
Who are those Germans?
The initiative „all are helping now“ connects refugee projects with companies in Berlin.
Refugees on Rail support volunteers, conduct courses and workshop for refugees in several cities in Europe.
Ai Weiwei’s latest installation has 14,000 life vests at Berlin concert house