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Talent – IoE Ideas – Connection

A few impressions from our Partner Talent Connection event at Cisco Stockholm

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We started with a brief Introduction to the Internet of Everything IoE followed by a workshop breaking up in several groups discussing IoE ideas – the most often mentioned ideas circled around solutions for the traffic in Stockholm. It was inspiring to see how young Networking Academy students took the opportunity to present their ideas in front of the auditorium. It was a great experience to be part of this connection formed between all participants and the Cisco Partners involved.

Cisco Sweden is determined to do more: a partnership with SUP46 – Stockholm’s home for entrepreneurs – and Dreamhack – a Hackathon for games – are a proof that going beyond traditional learning formats is building the skills industry needs.

We want to thank more than 70 of you to come and meet the Cisco Sweden team and our partenrs ATEA AB, TDC Sverige AB, Cygate ABNetwork services and Commsec in our Stockholm office.

Elin Khosrawi Enmark, Johan Ahlm, Anders Johansson Tapper

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Students came from amongst others Thorildsplans Gymnasium, KTH, Chalmers, Iftac, Halmstadt University Mälardalen University

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