Vielen Dank an die versammelte Mannschaft des Hackathons in München mit dem Thema
Reduce to the MAX – SMART Environment
- es war uns ein Vergnügen!
und noch mehr: es waren sehr interessante Ideen und durch die Bank voll funktionierende Prototypen. Als routinierter Hackathon Betreuerin weiss ich, dass dies eine besondere Sache ist.
Hier sind alle Teams mit Ihren Lösungen:
Jana Lange, Christoph Korschinek, Patrick Fincke, Dominik Wegele, Alexander Wald
Problem: How can we save valuable ressources like energy in big cities?
Solution: Reduce the energy from streetlights, create “intelligent streetlights”. How? Via dimmable LEDs which are activated via sensors and connected to smartphones.
Social impact: Saving energy + reducing light pollution
Extra feature: Panic button included in the application that alarms the police in a dangerous situation. The streetlights would start blinking.
Impact: Bring down crime rates.
Alexander Pappas, Hans-Joachim Weber, Adam Majdylo, Thomas Haberberger, Dennis Bönninger
Problem: Too many advertisements in your mailbox – a waste of paper and ink.
Solution: With the SAD-Mail-Box the costumer is able to decide, which advertisement material will be accepted. The user sets interests and the mailbox will only open when the advertisements match allowed categories. The mailbox scans QR codes, decodes them and compares keywords of the scanned codes with approved ones in the cloud. The costumer as well as the advertisers are able to update their codes at any time with the app. The costumer is notified via smartphone using Cisco Spark when mail is delivered.
Social impact: Reducing use of paper and Ink plus gathering more information on costumer behavior
Matthias Rank, Alex Happach, Samson Glas, Johannes Diehl, Erwin Kupris
Problem: Water is a valuable resource, so how can we stop the waste ofit?
Solution: Optimize the water consumption in households by using recycled greywater when flushing the toilet. Simplified: change bad water into good water. We test the quality of greywater to decide whether to refuse or lead it to sewage. Important resources: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Pipes, Electronics, plumper and manufacturing system. Cisco Spark was used to get notified “the Water has changed from good to bad” after successful transformation.
Social impact: Reduce water consumption in households – consider how this surplus can be used in developing countries, were it is needed most
REMOS – Room Environment Monitoring and Optimization System
Max Raber, Sebastian Seiz, Roumen Roussinov, Günther Grabrucker
Problem: Bad air in rooms in classrooms in schools/offices/etc
Solution: We want to warn people before the air turns bad to prevent this situation. REMOS is a small device that react when the air is turning bad and warns you in advance. It measures CO2 level, the humidity, the temperature and the VOCs in every room. REMOS is a SMART notification system and notifies you via application.
Social impact: Healthier and better work environment to increase productivity.
Stefano Casto, Dieter Mezmann, Chi Pham, Paschalis Bakalis, Bernhard Bücherl
Problem: It is hard to get up and turn on/off the lights when you get home after a long day of work…
Solution: Intellilight does it for you. It is a SMART solution for more comfort. It includes Cloud services and social media services (like facebook).
Social Impact: Bringing comfort to its users
Simon Betz, Christopher Chronis, Oliver Schumak, Joachim Wolf, Thomas Hengmith
Problem: Devices consume energy when nobody is home
Solution: DuMPre – a SMART box connected to all IoT Devices. When leaving the house or the room all energy consumers are send into standby mode or switched off. On request windows are closed to save energy for heating. Cisco Spark sends messages if our house is saving energy.
Social Impact: Save energy