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Most important resource of the future: Enthusiasm and Skills

#skillsbern2014 #ictskillsch #NetAcad

The futere of our nations is depending on our young talents.

The Swiss Skills 2014 in Bern showed that the most important resource of the future is found in Switzerland. With the support of numerous companies, professional federations, experts and the families of the participants. A indescribable feeling to have been there.  Gratulation!

The Winners

Check out the winners in Trade 39, videos from the competion and fotos from the SwissSkills Bern 2014

Cisco and the Cisco Networking Academy live at the Swiss Skills

A few highlights from the last four intensive days in Bern

„How does the Internet work“
Marco Fahrni, Dominik Hetzer
The Internet explained for people of all ages by Cisco Systems Engineers

“It was explained in such a way that even the youngest of our visitors could understand.”


Demo Projekt Jukebox: How can a Jukebox be implemented with technology of today?
Patrick Winter, Fabian Terranova, Tiago Pinheiro Vocational students from the BBB Baden

“We presented our project to different people, sometimes very simple and sometimes more detailed so that the respective audience could understand based on the knowledge they had. This lead to the fact that we did not have a fixed presentation showing the way from A to B but we adapted to our audience on the fly.”


Career talk with the  Swiss Skills Winners 2012, World Skills Trade 39 Participant Switzerland & Expert in Leipzig 2013
Talking to Lukas Hubschmid, Danny Meier, Pascal Knecht

“Interview at the Berufswahlradio – made by young people for young people: You two went to the World Championship of professions. How was it and what was the name of your profession again? Can you explain what Networking Technology means?”


Expert Talk: Cyber Security
Michi Hostettler, Valentin Zahnd, Bernhard Tellenbach, Fabian Terranova, Tiago Pinheiro
Swiss Cyber Security Challenge
What does Social Engineering or Reverse Engineering mean and what does it have to do with Security? We understood that it is necessary to understand how hackers think to be able to build the best defense against threats into our solutions.

“I learned the most in the security discussion round with the president of the Swiss Cyberstorm Organization, two Security Challenge Finalists and the Cisco-Team. The discussion topics were very interesting and lead me to further reflection. “

Expert Talk: Cooles IT Handicrafts. What is the IoE? What is a Raspberry Pi?
Peter Broger, Networking Academy Instructor aus Bregenz, Landesschulrat Vorarlberg, Fabian Terranova, Tiago Pinheiro

“The Raspberry Pi is a vool box. You can build your own systems with it. There is a large community out there where people exchange examples with manuals on how to build them. Using this in the classroom is ideal. “

If you ever have the possibility to visit a Skills Competition anywhere on this globe, please do so. You will meet the most engaged and committed people with enthusiasm and skills – whatever they might do – who can inspire you with all their positive energy.

A huge THANK YOU to all who made our presence there possible:

Cisco Projekt Team: Matthias Wick, Jutta Jerlich, Eveline Trinkler, Marco Fahrni, Dominik Hetzer
Cisco Stand Team: Nadine Amrein, Christine Leuthold, Noemi Thum, Martin Broneske, Sung-Ah Jung, Florian Deragisch, Andres Moser, Stephanie Schläpfer
Cisco Schweiz: CEO Chris Martin
BBB Baden: Hanspeter Vogt, Pascal Knecht, Patrick Winter, Fabian Terranova, Tiago Pinheiro
Swiss Cyber Storm: Michi Hostettler, Valentin Zahnd, Bernhard Tellenbach

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