Visit of a NetAcad student group from the Landesberufsschule Brixen in Cisco Office Vienna
On 22nd of April a NetAcad student group from Landesberufsschule Brixen, a very old and very active Networking Academy from Italy, came for a visit to the Cisco Office in Vienna. We are proud of this long lasting relationship between Italy and Austria and the exemplary cross country collaboration. August Sarkany, Product Sales Specialist Collaboration took the responsibility to introduce them to Cisco as a Company, Cisco Technologies and Certifications. Tomorrow starts here and the Internet of Everything was the starting and ending point for the interactive discussions about the topics
- Connected Devices and applications (Smart metering)
- Smartphones
- Copyright
- Facebook / Skype
The importance of Certification was highlighted by
- showing career paths
- personal Certification
- Introduction to CCNA
- Differentiation on the Job Markt
- personal experience
The student group initiated and organized their visit on their own without the support of a teacher. Great Spirit … LINKS LBS Cisco Commercial | Tomorrow Starts Here (60) Cisco Employees Wake Up the World | Tomorrow Starts Here