Der Blog, der Technologie erlebbar macht.

Der Blog, der Technologie erlebbar macht.

Internet of Things i var mans mun

fingerspitzengefuehl_closeupHar du koll på Internet of Everything?

The Internet of Things is a topic that affects everyone more and more in our everyday life. It allows processes to run in more efficient ways and makes completely new services possible. It is a complex topic that is understood differently depending on your context and industry. The basic technologies are Networking Technologies.

At the upcoming Talent Connection Event on 4 Februari 2015 the Internet of Things will be the topic of discussion with Cisco Representatives, Cisco Partners and young talent interested in working in the Cisco Ecosystem. You will be able to meet experts from following companies

Cisco Technologies change the way people work, live, play and learn. Your professional skills, creativity and passion are essential to master the challenges our economies and societies face in this change.

Join us on Feb 4, 2015 in the Stockholm office

The event is in Swedish.

Agenda and Registration

Looking forward to personally meeting you in Stockholm on Feb 4, 2015

Jutta Jerlich


Anders Johansson Tapper, Cisco Sweden, about Smart Cities
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