After a full day of technology introduction Internet of Everything, Businesss Model Thinking, Expert Checkpoints and timed presentations, brainstorming rounds lead by Julian from MakeSense we are now just finished the idea pitches between Berlin, Bratislava and Rome.
“Very intensive Day – fascinating”
from Rome“Really appreciate that we were able to meet people from different backgrounds, to learn what other people think about our topics. Perfect opportunity.”
from Bratislava“Input and Output in only a few hours, very interesting ideas. I feel connected even though we only have video cameras connecting us.”
from Berlin
Remember we started with nothing this morning and now we have ideas and solutions in our minds.
Rest well and see you tomorrow morning
@CiscoNetAcad #CiscoCreathon #3CityCreathon
@Cisco_Germany @CiscoItalia @CiscoSlovakia
#DigitalTransformation #Digitalisierung #IoT
@eskills4jobs @DigitalSkillsEU @eskills4jobsDE @DIGITALEUROPE