HTL Spengergasse
Cisco Academy Spengergasse (CA, ASC, ITC)
By a generous donation of equipment from “Austrian Lotteries” we now have the opportunity to provide each student even in large classes their own router or switch during the lab hours. In the security area, we are able to offer in most classes each student a separate firewall during the exercises. By adaptations in the training profile, we are now able that each student in the Day School Computer Science complete all four parts of the CCNA program and furthermore the CCNAS program.
Last summer, both the conversion of the Academy Connection to Netspace and the transition from curriculum “Exploration” to the new curriculum “Routing&Switching” was performed, so that only a few classes must be taught in the old curriculum to complete (this classes complete the last part “Accessing the WAN”), all other classes were converted to Routing & Switching and currently run the “Bridging phase” parallel to the new curricula.
Some statements from our students
“The Cisco Network Academy program of HTL Spengergasse is a great addition to the school lessons, because students are forced to study on their own and gain experience through professional resources. The instructors are doing a perfect job, because they are helping whenever there is a need to do so and students are more motivated in studying.”
Freimüller Michael
“The cisco academy program provides me a great opportunity to increase my personal and technical knowledge. In addition beside the classroom training the new learning platform offers many tools and information to gain a comprehensive understanding of the networking basics and more specialized paths in a very modern way. This overall educational aim is to train the technicians of the future – and this will be my class and I.”
Herkel Dominik
“Cisco has helped me a lot in the past few years in the HTL Spengergasse. First of all, the cisco program made it a lot easier for me, to understand networking, and get an idea of how it is about. Furthermore, the materials gave me a good overview of the things I would learn in the future. Another nice fact was the cisco packet tracer. Because of the lack of time in the school-labours, it was a good alternative, where you can practice in learning to configure networks, and this helped me a lot “
Gwiasda Stefanie
“My class started doing the Cisco networking academy when we entered the second year. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much interest in the networking branch, so I did the first course with little interest. During the first year, I grew more and more interested in networking due to the exercises in the Cisco courses and the learning materials which were available online. Whenever I forgot anything during class, I preferred to refer to the Cisco learning materials instead of online materials, because of the correctness and easy understanding of the information.”
Bamgbala Abideen
Many thanks at this point has to be given to Dr. Klaus Coufal for his motivation and engagement for and in the Networking Academy at HTL Spengergasse for more today than a decade !
Foto above: Inauguration Celebration at HTL Spengergasse on October 5, 2012
Dr. Klaus Coufal (HTL Spengergasse), Dr. DI. Dr. Georg Bruckner (HTL Spengergasse),
Minister of Education Dr. Claudia Schmied (Austrian Ministry of Education, Art & Culture),
Mag. Christian Fugina (Cisco Austria),
Headmaster Mag. Wolfgang Hickel (HTL Spengergasse).