Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß
„Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß“ ist seit der Antike ein geflügeltes Wort. Erstmals benützt von Cicero so einige Jahrzehnte v. Chr. sagt er damit
„Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß“ ist seit der Antike ein geflügeltes Wort. Erstmals benützt von Cicero so einige Jahrzehnte v. Chr. sagt er damit
Are you playing the gipfelspiel.de ? The gaming platform yeepa initiated a Tsunami of Learning in German schools since yesterday: 200 school classes registered
Working with others when you do not know them, their backgrounds and have never met Today’s problems and issues are complex. To solve them we
Teams and Ideas from Berlin Bratislava and Rome The very first time a Creathon happened across borders. At the same time in 3 cities. Hard
… how would you solve your problem? It is not an easy task to collect ideas, from the best to the worst ideas … brainstorming
Beyond the physical borders of a room in Berlin, Bratislava and Rome On Monday a group of young people will start working together to create
Joining forces is the only way to approach this challenge Our daily lives become more digital every day. The global marketplace requires all countries, cities
Day 2 #Netacad Instructor prototyping at the #openBerlin Innovation Center At the instructor hackathon in Berlin, we have the most wonderful weather you can imagine.
Day 1 #Netacad Instructor Hackathon at the#openBerlin IoT center The key qualifications for starting your career are not so easily defined any more as it
Cisco awarded a special prize from the Great Place to Work organization for their #Willkommenskultur “Willkommenskultur” can be translated as “culture of welcome”. The AcademyDay
#benetacad @CiscoNetAcad @ReDISchool #AlleHelfenJetzt Initiatives with IMPACT The ReDI – SCHOOL OF DIGITAL INTEGRATION offers basic and advanced coding classes for refugees. With their TechTalk
#CLEur #CLHackathon #netacad Logbook: These are the last days before the NetAcad Hackathon from 15. – 17.2.2016 at OSZ IMT in Berlin See the world
The aim of the WorldSkills Germany IT Network Technology Competition is to identify and reward the best IT network professionals in the PC industry. However,
Meet young people with passion, loving what they do – get inspired and find your passion and future profession THE FEELING OF DOING SOMETHING WITH
Cisco Academy IT-Bildungsnetz e.V. and the supporters clubs of VfL Bochum and BVB Dortmund invite pupils in soccer stadiums to learn at the place of
Guest Author: Sophie Bauditz Internship @Cisco – An e-Skills for jobs 2014 Action We are 11 pupils from two secondary schools in Berlin: the French
It is not an easy tasks to convince employers and employees from electrical engineering that they will need IT competences in the near future. The
Oldenburg, 14th February 2014 The first information workshop on Smart Grid during the e-Skills for Digital Jobs campaign! Teachers, industry partners, IT-associations and the Ministry
The language of IT is English. If we want it or not, many IT terms are adopted into other languages as they are in English.
ASC Meeting = Exchange thoughts, bundles forces and be able to do more together IT-Bildungsnetz, the association of ASC Academy Support Center of the Networking
Munich on 17th October 2013 by Carsten Johnson The LINUX Professional Institute (LPI) invited partners from the EMEA region to Munich. The objective was to
Cisco and Telekom trainees working together for a successful future of the girls For the sixth time in a row female students of the “Integrierten