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Der Blog, der Technologie erlebbar macht.

5AHITN at the Holodeck

August mit HTL VillachKnowing what abbreviations and certain names that do not have a meaning per se stand for is often the key into a professional field. We can now unravel the mystery of what our blog title implies right now:

On 27.11.2013 the 5AHITN of the HTL Villach (Higher Technical School) visited the Cisco Office in Vienna – the host: August Sarkany, product specialist for Unified Communications and Collaboration across several countries.

As an alumni of a HTL himself, he knows how to deliver topics like Cisco company history, video technology of today or Cisco certifications without boredom spreading widely.

The “Internet of Everything” and what this could be had to be part of the agenda. Interactive discussions about the following topics touched:

  • Connected devices and applications (example: Smart metering)
  • Smart phones
  • Data protection
  • Facebook / Skype / Smart phones

To speak about the importance of certifications should be part of any agenda when speaking to young talents. Why?  Simply because a Cisco certification considerably raises your value on the job market and clearly demonstrates that you can handle situations where knowledge needs to be reproduced fast.

Interesting details uncovered:
– Android Smart Phone share in HTL classes is over 80%
– Facebook is only used in closed groups for document/information sharing
– Skype is used for Group Chats and Desk Sharing only

Nota bene: The program of the class in Vienna also included visits at Microsoft, Opel and T-Systems.

HTL Villach HolodeckThanks for coming, we enjoyed the feedback from you!


Cisco Video Internet of Everything
Schüler der 5AHITN forschen an autonomen Robotern

PS: Before it is forgotten – Holodeck is the name of the Telepresence Room at the Cisco office in Vienna. Whenever you get a chance to visit a Cisco Telepresence Room, do take advantage of this opportunity!

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